Good evening Georgia Geocachers! ~~ I want to begin by expressing my gratitude for the Georgia area Geocaching community. Although I am not originally from here, in terms if Geocaching, I am a Georgian as this is where I gained a lot of my Geocaching experience.
Over the past few weeks since posting my last message, I have carefully considered whether to post this message. I don't mean to spam the group or be repetitive, but I decided to because I wanted to express some thoughts and reflected on over the past few weeks.
I am moving to Minnesota where I can take the skills I have learned here and use in my new community. In the domain of Geocaching where I am strong, I hope to become stronger and more effective. Although I have some regrets and made some mistakes here in Georgia, I am going to take the lessons as character building and work to grow from them. This is going to make me a much more effective Geocacher in my new home state.
It is because of this move that I feel I am unable to continue to maintain my Geocaches in this area - hence posting the last message about adopting them out.
The people here - Geocachers and muggles - have been very nice, warm and friendly. I am impressed with how many people who didn't know me, but wanted to be helpful. My hope is that in my time here, I have contributed to being a positive influence to the geocaching community in this area.
Initially, I had all of my hides set to premium only (expect one). I decided last weekend to make them all basic. This will give more folks a chance to find my hides. At the end of the day on Sunday, I am going to deactivate any of my hides that have not been adopted. I will leave Georgia on Thursday evening or Friday morning, and by that point, all game pieces will have been recovered and all my Georgia hides will be archived (obviously, not the ones that had been adopted out to other Geocachers.) In the attached photo, I have included a list of all the hides that have not been adopted out yet. If you are interested in adopting one of my hides, send me a groundspeak message or message here on Facebook.
Finally, I know that not everyone is a 'Smileypanda' fan ... In some cases, for good reason.. To those people, I want to say that I wish I had done some things differently, and try to remember that behind cute avatars, profile statistics, long log posts and DNF logs, there is a person there - with emotions just like everyone else. I want to express my regret in the role that I played.
To my friends, I have learned a lot, and appreciated the constructive criticism and encouragement. Until we meet again - Cache on!
CC: AAG Facebook group; East Side Gang Facebook Group


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