Geocaching Cultural insights at 278 finds

 Geocaching Cultural insights at 278 finds...

So you are looking for a new hobbie.. Yippie..  You chose Geocaching.... Easy hobby... I want to give some times to help you get more satisfaction out of your new found thrill....

Expect to be sore... my legs were sore for a solid week, and I had blisters that made walking uncomfortable.  Develop calloused skin, because I never knew how many pricker bushes there were out there until I started geocaching - I think I have found every one in Georgia, and gotten pricked by half of them.  I might recommend taking up yoga because you will have to bend in ways that a man in his 40s normally don't bend - and pulling muscles just by contorting my arm to reach for a magnetic box.  Not all regular sized caches have maggots, fire ants, standing water, spiders, slugs and grungy things of every type - just the ones that I decide to open when I get back to my car!

Bees, wasps, and hornets oh my!  You are not allergic are you? or to poison ivy/oak/sumac? spiders? What about mosquitos?  If you have a special fondness for them in your heart, you are in luck.  After a good day of geocaching, I usually look like I got into a good fight with a weedeater, and feel twice as worse.

But don't feel discouraged.... each cache on the site has a handy rating system --- 1 is supposed to be the simpliest and 5 the hardest.  Some CO are more accurate than others.... for difficulty, 1 is like... show up to the site and the cache is in plain view.  5 is like ... here is the amazon forest, I hid a nano-container... Good luck ... Tarrain - 1 is the cache almost will arrive at your doorstep.  5 is like having to dive to the bottom of the Mariana Trench in a deep sea diving bell with only a half a tank of oxygen and the army firing torpedos at you in shark infested water.

Get ready to be humbled - the great feeling of going to a 1/1 cache and spending a solid 45 minutes looking - posting a DNF, then checking the next day and finding four others posting smilies saying how easy and quick it is.  Or climbing up a muddy hill through 300 meters of thick forest just to get to the top and read the description that give a waypoint that can be easily driven to.

It isn't just us cachers though.. You have 'the other people' the muggles..  Be prepared to drive 20 minutes to some remote lakeside park, or climb a steep mountain to find that it has been muggled.

Caching requires the wisdom of Gandi, patience of a Buckingham Palace Guard, the tenacity of Henry Ford, Intelligence of Albert Einstein, and the ability to handle suffering like the Cleveland Browns - or you can message the CO and ask for 'a nudge'.

These are some of the feelings I have now at 278 finds...

So enjoy your new hobby and you are going to find folks like me - a nice and friendly person for the most part that will usually try to meet you more than half way..


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